Interesting. I didn't know that about St John of Damascus. A few years ago when I had to preach on Trinity Sunday, it came to me - somehow, from the Ether? - the Sun being a perfect analogy for the trinity idea. 1. The body of the Sun is Father, a long way up in the heavens and yet also immanent. 2. The Sun-Light is Jesus, 'the Light of the World' (John 8:12). The photons that bathe us here in a real sense are of the Sun's being - God 'Emmanuel', Incarnate, the divine sent to Earth to be with us and amongst us. 'We beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father' (John 1:14). 3. While St JOD cited the Holy Spirit as the Sun's heat, the thought that came to me, and still seems apposite is the Holy Spirit as the Sun's Power, i.e. gravitational forces, in whose orbit we rest and are held, the Earth and by implication each of us individually. In this way you can neatly contemplate that on a very dark night or in a sealed windowless room or a cave when there is no sunlight, has the Sun departed? No. In utter darkness, and e.g. when eyes closed lying in bed at night, you can feel the Sun's power holding Earth, holding us. A visceral sense. This is the Holy Spirit. Taking it further, Earth is metaphor for the Virgin Mary (or vice versa!). Sunlight reached out and created the very first living organism on the 'virgin' Mother Earth - she was 'overshadowed by the Holy Spirit'. It all starts to make sense. And now the panpsychist might suggest that the Sun is an actual locus of Mind, (divine) Consciousness. Proactive, conscious thought. Finally, going back to the 'Metaphor' of Jesus; 'In the beginning was the Expression and the Expression was with God and the Expression was God, the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life and the life was the LIGHT...' (John 1:1-4 KJB alt.).
Interesting. I didn't know that about St John of Damascus. A few years ago when I had to preach on Trinity Sunday, it came to me - somehow, from the Ether? - the Sun being a perfect analogy for the trinity idea. 1. The body of the Sun is Father, a long way up in the heavens and yet also immanent. 2. The Sun-Light is Jesus, 'the Light of the World' (John 8:12). The photons that bathe us here in a real sense are of the Sun's being - God 'Emmanuel', Incarnate, the divine sent to Earth to be with us and amongst us. 'We beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father' (John 1:14). 3. While St JOD cited the Holy Spirit as the Sun's heat, the thought that came to me, and still seems apposite is the Holy Spirit as the Sun's Power, i.e. gravitational forces, in whose orbit we rest and are held, the Earth and by implication each of us individually. In this way you can neatly contemplate that on a very dark night or in a sealed windowless room or a cave when there is no sunlight, has the Sun departed? No. In utter darkness, and e.g. when eyes closed lying in bed at night, you can feel the Sun's power holding Earth, holding us. A visceral sense. This is the Holy Spirit. Taking it further, Earth is metaphor for the Virgin Mary (or vice versa!). Sunlight reached out and created the very first living organism on the 'virgin' Mother Earth - she was 'overshadowed by the Holy Spirit'. It all starts to make sense. And now the panpsychist might suggest that the Sun is an actual locus of Mind, (divine) Consciousness. Proactive, conscious thought. Finally, going back to the 'Metaphor' of Jesus; 'In the beginning was the Expression and the Expression was with God and the Expression was God, the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life and the life was the LIGHT...' (John 1:1-4 KJB alt.).
Heat is produced by the sun through the light just like the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son.